
Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods:… book by Rick Warren

Autor: ThriftBooks

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Published by Niq , 3 years ago

It’s horrible that anyone would sell a book that written in like this!!! Horrible Seller!!!

Como estudiar la biblia

Published by User , 16 years ago

Es un libro que le va a ayudar a estudiar la biblia mejor. Yo le compré para un amigo. Es un regalo perfecto para animarle a crecer en la fe.

Great book for all levels of study!

Published by User , 17 years ago

I purchased this book, as it was recommended by one of my pastors. It is fantastic! It has 12 different methods for studying the Bible. It begins with the easiest method and progressively gets more difficult and involved. You could easily just learn the first few ways of Bible study and get your money’s worth out of this book. Each chapter not only details the how to’s, it also gives a detailed example of a study using the method described. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to know a variety of ways to study the Bible.


Published by User , 17 years ago

THis is the classic book on how to personally study the Bible that has been used in Bible colleges, universities, seminaries, churches, and small groups for over 20 years – and nothing yet has been printed that even comes close to being more helpful and understandable. Zondervan has now released this larger workbook format that is so much easier to use. Even though I have Rick Warren’s original first edition, I bought a copy of the beautiful new volume, and a dozen more just to give to friends I care about. Everybody says you ought to study the Bible, but no one tells you how…until Rick came along. If you’ve wondered where Rick Warren learned all those insights that he wrote in Purpose Driven Life – these are the methods he used. If you loved Purpose Driven Life, you know the importance of finding the truth for yourself, not just accepting it from someone else. This book will help you do it – step by step. Pretty soon YOU’LL be wriging the next Purpose Driven Life.

How Do YOU Want To Study The Scriptures ?

Published by User , 21 years ago

Rick Warren outlines many different methods to Bible Study – you can do it by book, character, topic, whatever…. and he gives examples on how to take the subject from initial review to final understanding.The book, while published in the early 1980’s is still very relevant to today.


Published by User , 23 years ago

This book has very simple but profound insights on how to do a personal Bible study. it has no short cuts or magical formulae, but gives a direct instruction to achieve what God wants us to achieve in everyone’s personal study. One of the striking quotes that I came across is: “It is possible to know the word of God and not know the God of the word.” It is so true speaking along these lines that seldom we look in to God and miss the picture. This book has a presentation which takes us from childhood to Oldage. I wish I had read this book when I was a Kid.

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