
Letter: Religion can be a force for good, but it can also be used for evil

Autor: InForum

“There is no talk of feeding the poor, healing the sick, or helping the stranger. There is no concern for the homeless or imprisoned. It is all about white male supremacy, (racism) anti-immigration, and sexuality,” writes Lillian Bachmeier.

Letter to the editor FSA

Opinion by Lillian Bachmeier

Today at 12:03 PM

The Lord has risen! Christ’s resurrection during this Easter season brings the promise of peace, love and mercy. Despite floods, fire and political turmoil; through Christ, all justice will prevail.

This is the belief that has sustained Christians worldwide for over 2,000 years. Christ is, and forever will be, our Savior.

But those who profess this statement the most are those who actually believe it the least. They are mainly Evangelicals who have decided to solve the nation’s problems by using the sword instead of Christ who solves all problems in his time.

An analysis of the January 6 insurrection has found most of the rioters had distorted Christian beliefs. The Jericho March preceded this event. Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, KKK, and QAnon are all based on Christianity.

These Christian leaders strut and fret around the pulpit with thousands in the pews, attacking and degrading liberals as demons and blame them for all the problems of our nation. The more vitriolic the rhetoric, the more the money rolls in. This is a billion dollar industry built on hate.

There is no talk of feeding the poor, healing the sick, or helping the stranger. There is no concern for the homeless or imprisoned. It is all about white male supremacy, (racism) anti-immigration, and sexuality. They desire an authoritarian figure where democracy and the Constitution will no longer guide our nation. This is Christian nationalism.

And now, they see Donald Trump as ordained by God to make this come to pass. Study Project 2025 to see Trump’s plan for you if he wins the election. Also, understand that he maintains there will be a blood bath if he doesn’t win.

Religion can be a force for good, but it can also be used for evil. God, help us to see the difference.

Lillian Bachmeier lives in Mandan, N.D.

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