
St. Cloud Schools Sets Its Calendar With Religion In Mind

Autor: AM 1240 WJON

St. Cloud Schools Sets Its Calendar With Religion In Mind

St. Cloud School District 742 considers numerous religions and religious holidays when setting its school calendar.  That according to St. Cloud School Superintendent Laurie Putnam.  Muslim students recently celebrated Eid al-Fitr on Wednesday April 10.  St. Cloud schools did not have school that day in observance.  Putnam says the decision was made by the calendar committee and this is something the district has been observing for quite awhile.  She explains that many of their students observe this holiday and the district wanted them to observe this celebration without having to miss school.

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Eid al-Fitr is the earlier of the two official holidays celebrated within Islam. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.

Putnam says examples of the school calendar working around religious holidays includes Christmas for those of the Christian faith and they don’t have school on Rosh Hashanah for those of the Jewish faith.  She says for District 742 and many districts throughout the state, this is a practical recognition and a respect of those religions.

St. Cloud Schools includes a highly diverse group of students.  Putnam explains that this is an advantage that the school district has.  She says 20% of their students are non native English speakers coming from over 90 different countries.  Putnam indicates 65% of their students are students of color and each student has their own story whether it be born in Stearns County or across the globe.  She says for District 742 students diversity is the norm.

If you’d like to listen to my conversation with Laurie Putnam, it is available below.

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