
34% of US voters say Biden should be tougher on 'Israel': Politico

Autor: Al Mayadeen English

A recent poll by Politico shows the shifting stance of the US public on Biden’s policy toward “Israel” and the constant flow of military aid to the occupation.

  • President Joe Biden speaks at an event in Raleigh, N.C., March. 26, 2024. (AP)
    President Joe Biden speaks at an event in Raleigh, North Carolina, March 26, 2024. (AP)

Democratic voters were shown to be increasingly critical of Joe Biden’s policy toward “Israel”, revealing that the President should employ harsher tactics against the occupation. 

A poll by Politico, published on Sunday, showed that 33% of Democratic voters believed Biden should be stricter when it comes to “Israel’s” conduct, while 8% said he was already being “too tough”. 42% of voters, on the other hand, stated that Biden’s policy was “just right”. 

In contrast, Republicans and Independents exhibited more transparent and harsher views when it came to Biden’s approach toward the Israeli war on Gaza. 34% of all voters across the American political spectrum [Democrats, Independents, and Republicans] said Biden was not tough enough against “Israel”, while 17% said he was “too tough”. 

It is worth noting that the survey was conducted before Iran carried out its retaliatory operation against “Israel”. 

Sympathy toward Palestinians grows in the US

Politico‘s findings suggested that US society is swaying from the conventional rule that says the US and “Israel” must be in complete unison, as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu drags the genocide in Gaza further. The repercussions and the deliberate effects of this policy, primarily the worsening humanitarian crisis and famine in Gaza, have placed Biden’s administration under direct and growing criticism. 

22% of Democratic poll takers have also stated that they sympathize more with Palestinians, while 16% showcased more sympathy with Israelis. On the other hand, Independent (25%) and Republican (45%) voters voted in favor of Israelis. 

However, a distinct observation was made showing the generational difference when it came to sympathy with Palestinians. 

33% of Gen Z voters revealed that they sympathize with Palestinians, while 40% of Baby Boomers sided with “Israel”. 

US society on a tightrope over military aid to ‘Israel’

When it came to US military aid to “Israel”, 41% of Democrats supported stopping the flow of supplies to the occupation, while 33% were against. 

Overall, 33% said they were in favor of halting all military aid to “Israel”, while 44% said they opposed the blockage of aid. 

In the case of “minimizing civilian casualties in Gaza”, 40% were for providing “Israel” with US weapons, while 33% were against

The United States had employed a policy of unconditioned aid to “Israel” since Hamas launched Operation Al Aqsa Flood, reiterating that it would back the occupation indefinitely as per its “right to self-defense”. 

Biden urges ‘Israel to call’ for a temporary ceasefire in Gaza

Biden and Netanyahu have been at odds regarding the latter’s reckless conduct in Gaza, which recently prompted Biden to call for a ceasefire

While still sending arms to “Israel” which is besieging Gaza, Biden urged for the entry of aid, namely food and medicine, amid heightened Israeli aggression and increasing hunger and death due to the lack of medicine in Gaza.

“What I’m calling for is for the Israelis to just call for a ceasefire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country,” he said.

He claimed that Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan were all prepared to aid in delivering aid to war-stricken Gaza.

“I’ve spoken with everyone from the Saudis to the Jordanians to the Egyptians. They’re prepared to move in. They’re prepared to move this food in. And I think there’s no excuse to not provide for the medical and food needs of those people. It should be done now,” Biden stressed after his administration spent six long months dehumanizing the Palestinian people.

Read more: ‘Israel’, US already lost the war in Gaza: The Hill

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