
Religion News Association honors Bobby Ross Jr. with Supple Award for Feature Writing – The Christian Chronicle

Autor: The Christian Chronicle

The top national prize recognizes excellence in religion journalism.

PITTSBURGH — Bobby Ross Jr., editor-in-chief of The Christian Chronicle, received the nation’s top award for religion feature writing at a ceremony Saturday night at the Andy Warhol Museum.

The Religion News Association presented Ross with the Supple Award for Feature Writing during its 75th anniversary convention in Pittsburgh.

Jodi Rudoren, editor-in-chief of The Forward, a leading publication for American Jews, won second place. Ruth Graham, the Dallas-based religion reporter for the New York Times, earned third place.

“It’s crazy to be mentioned in the same category as such amazing writers, much less take home the top prize,” said Ross, a former Associated Press religion writer who joined the Chronicle staff in 2005. “But I’m deeply grateful for the recognition and so thankful to still be earning a living writing and editing stories after 34 years in full-time journalism.”

Ross was honored for a portfolio of articles he wrote last year:

• A two-story package for the Chronicle on Christians welcoming Afghan refugees to Oklahoma and Texas.

• An in-depth feature for Religion Unplugged on why Major League Baseball teams host faith nights.

• A narrative piece for AP on the one-year anniversary of a hostage standoff at a Texas synagogue.

Cheryl Mann Bacon, a Chronicle contributing editor, was picked as a finalist for RNA’s commentary award for her column on “Why libraries are important to an open society.”

Last year, Erik Tryggestad, the newspaper’s president and CEO as well as its lead international reporter, captured RNA’s top prize for magazine and non-daily newspaper reporting for his coverage of the war in Ukraine.

Ross previously won RNA’s top awards for religion news analysis (2023) and magazine reporting (2013).

Bobby Ross Jr. accepts the Religion News Association's Supple Award for Feature Writing at a banquet in Pittsburgh.

Bobby Ross Jr. accepts the Religion News Association’s Supple Award for Feature Writing at a banquet in Pittsburgh.

Filed under: Christian journalism Godbeat journalism journalism awards National People religion journalism Religion News Association Supple Award for Feature Writing Top Stories

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