
All religions, ethnicities come together to celebrate the Unity Passover Seder

Autor: WPBF

Palm Beach County’s legal community held a different kind of Passover seder Monday night, one that addressed the tumultuous nature of the world and the rise in antisemitism.They called it the Unity Passover Seder.“There really was a strong interest in coming together as a community to be together and talk about justice and making things better,” said event co-chair Gary Lesser.Lesser said the Unity Passover Seder used to be an annual event in the county but went away as interest waned.However, given the current events around the world and on college campuses, they felt that now was the perfect time to bring them back.“We see so much disharmony and chaos wherever we turn,” Lesser said. “The truth is people have shared values.”The seder included some traditional aspects, such as the food and reciting Hebrew passages.But the seder was led by not just a rabbi but also by a reverend standing with him.“I think we can show unity and togetherness,” said the Rev. Kevin Jones. “It’s important, and it sends a positive message to our community.”“It’s what helps ground us in a time that’s difficult, where the world feels a bit upside down, for us to reach out to friends, for us to engage in our tradition, for us to find joy,” said Rabbi Ryan Daniels of Temple Israel.Many of the people in attendance were Jewish, but just as many were not, representing many different religions and ethnicities.“Everybody needs to be involved,” said Gina Friga, representing the Hispanic Bar Association. “It’s about sitting at a table and just coming together.”“Tonight’s event really shows that a community can come together, believing in justice and freedom and that tomorrow can be better and will be better,” Lesser said.


Palm Beach County’s legal community held a different kind of Passover seder Monday night, one that addressed the tumultuous nature of the world and the rise in antisemitism.

They called it the Unity Passover Seder.

“There really was a strong interest in coming together as a community to be together and talk about justice and making things better,” said event co-chair Gary Lesser.

Lesser said the Unity Passover Seder used to be an annual event in the county but went away as interest waned.

However, given the current events around the world and on college campuses, they felt that now was the perfect time to bring them back.

“We see so much disharmony and chaos wherever we turn,” Lesser said. “The truth is people have shared values.”

The seder included some traditional aspects, such as the food and reciting Hebrew passages.

But the seder was led by not just a rabbi but also by a reverend standing with him.

“I think we can show unity and togetherness,” said the Rev. Kevin Jones. “It’s important, and it sends a positive message to our community.”

“It’s what helps ground us in a time that’s difficult, where the world feels a bit upside down, for us to reach out to friends, for us to engage in our tradition, for us to find joy,” said Rabbi Ryan Daniels of Temple Israel.

Many of the people in attendance were Jewish, but just as many were not, representing many different religions and ethnicities.

“Everybody needs to be involved,” said Gina Friga, representing the Hispanic Bar Association. “It’s about sitting at a table and just coming together.”

“Tonight’s event really shows that a community can come together, believing in justice and freedom and that tomorrow can be better and will be better,” Lesser said.

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