
Woman convicted of theft after using Target self-checkout to steal $60K of merchandise

Autor: Jordan Gartner

SAN FRANCISCO (Gray News) – A woman in Northern California is facing more than three years in prison after being convicted of shoplifting dozens of times from a Target store while using self-checkout.

According to the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, Aziza Graves, 43, was found guilty of one felony count of grand theft and 52 misdemeanor counts of petty theft related to a series of retail thefts at an area Target.

Graves reportedly stole from the same Target store about 120 times in just over a one-year period.

Investigators said she would often steal jugs of detergent that could easily be resold in the San Francisco area.

“Retail theft continues to have a major impact on San Francisco businesses,” District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said. “Individuals such as Aziza Graves commit egregious thefts through brazen and repeated conduct that greatly impacts retailers’ ability to operate and serve the general public.”

Authorities said Graves’ thefts in this case occurred from Oct. 3, 2020, through Nov. 16, 2021, where she repeatedly stole merchandise of more than $60,000.

According to the district attorney, Graves would enter Target, pick up her items of choice and head to the self-checkout lane.

However, instead of paying full price for her items, she would insert a nominal amount, such as a single coin or bill, after scanning her merchandise and then exit the store.

The DA’s office said Graves was also convicted of one count of misdemeanor petty theft for stealing from a San Francisco-area Abercrombie and Fitch store.

Graves’ sentencing is scheduled for May 24.

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