
Speaking out: Freedom of religion is essential

Autor: The Bismarck Tribune

I get reading suggestions from folks and I appreciate those suggestions a great deal. The suggestions will support or in some cases oppose opinions I have already written. They also help form new opinions. I have wanted to write about Christian Nationalism for some time and I appreciate receiving reading suggestions. I want to write about Christian Nationalism because I majored in political science, minored in religion and have gone to church my entire life. I see Christian Nationalism as an attempt to establish a theocracy where the head of the government is the head of the church.

Donald Trump made a promise to the Christian Broadcasters Association that if he is president, he would “make America pray again.” The hypocrisy of that pledge shocked me and it angered me. I don’t think Donald Trump spends time in prayer. I was angered by his expression that he would “make” America pray again, because as a political science student I know what “making” someone do something means in terms of a government function. I am familiar with the brutality of theocracies throughout history, and as practiced in modern times. I understand that between 30,000 and 50,000 women were murdered as witches through procedures for trials prescribed in church publications and allowed by the government. Trump claims the criminal charges against him are “witch hunts” while at the same time advocating the governmental establishment of a religion whose ancestors practiced witch trials.

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I received a link to the book “The Pursuit of Happiness: How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Lives of the Founders and Defined America” by Jeffrey Rosen. Rosen is the president of National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. I listened to an interview with Rosen about his book and I was impressed with his scholarship. According to Rosen, America was not founded as a “Christian” nation but rather the Constitution is anchored in virtues defined by classical writers not religious ones. The words “pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence meant “the quest for being good, not feeling good-the pursuit of a lifelong virtue, not short-term pleasure” ( Rosen read the books on Jefferson’s reading list. That is an impressive feat by itself. Without the discipline of Rosen, however, I came to the same conclusion — reading one “sacred” text as the interpretation of all truth is irrational and promotes passion over reason. That is exactly what Christian Nationalism seeks to do.

I do not fear Native American belief that links human spirits with the spirits of animals and the earth. I modestly understand the Jewish belief systems that are an important foundation of my own. I appreciate the music of the Methodist. I enjoy the ecumenical belief systems that bridge brand-name faith groups, and find common cause in helping the poor and oppressed. I also appreciate the nonbelievers, whose faith is in the power of rational thought and the compassion of human beings.

Imposing a government-established religion ruins the things I like most about religious belief systems. It brings back the ugly side of religion the authors of the constitution sought to prevent. As Republican candidates in North Dakota swear their allegiance to Donald Trump, it would be very helpful if they also state their views on Christian Nationalism and the U.S. Constitution. Protestant and Catholic churches, the Muslim and Jewish faith, the Evangelical churches in America, other faiths, and nonbelievers, let us all be dedicated to insuring that no one ever is in a position to make us pray. Let us fight for each other to preserve our individual freedom of religion.

Bill Patrie has been recognized for his work as a cooperative developer by the National Farmers Union, the Association of Cooperative Educators and the National Cooperative Business Association.

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