
K. Michelle Caught Debating Homosexuality and Religion on Social Media, And She Made a Big Point

Autor: Angela Johnson

Singer K. Michelle wants people to know that while she considers herself a Christian, she’s not going along with people who use the Bible as an argument against homosexuality.

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In a Instagram clip posted by The Neighborhood Talk on April 10, the singer, who appears to be out at a restaurant with friends, is discussing the issue of homosexuality and sin in the Bible. And while it isn’t clear why that is the topic of conversation, the singer’s position on the subject is straightforward.

“I don’t believe that you’re not supposed to be gay,” she says in the clip. “People are supposed to be what they feel on the inside.”

K. Michelle left a comment on the post, writing that she doesn’t understand why God would forgive someone who murdered someone and not a person who chooses to love someone of the same sex.

“It’s ok for you to kill a person, but it ain’t ok for you to be gay?” she wrote. “You’re free to believe what you want that’s the beauty of life. I love the Lord and that’s who I worship. I don’t have a heaven or hell to put anyone in it’s not for me to judge.”

And as expected, her opinion started a heated debate in the comments. People came down on all sides, writing, “God loves everyone .. end of story,” “The Bible Is Right … Man and Woman is how God intended it to be. But I will say that no sin is bigger than the other …. God loves us all it’s sin that he hates, and “Girl stoppppp like rn. Just because you feel that way doesn’t mean that’s not the Lord’s message! Take it up with him,” reflect the way users came down on both sides of the issue.

But others thought we’ll never really know the right answer, like this commenter who wrote:

“Honestly this is one of those topics where everybody should just do what feels right in their heart.. we will never know the true answer just speculation & opinions. All I know is that it does say to love everyone & to not cast judgement so I try my best to apply that to life. Blessings to you 💜💜.”

And, of course, there were those who didn’t think we needed to hear what K. Michelle had to say at all.

“Some conversations should happen without cameras 🤷🏽‍♀️,” wrote another social media commentator.

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