
Ecuador, Peru, Combat Transborder Illegal Gold Trafficking

Autor: Dialogo Americas

Each day, some 100 tons of raw material, use to process gold, extracted from Peru is smuggled into Ecuador along a route in the Amazon that illegal miners control in cahoots with transnational criminal organizations, Peruvian daily El Comercio reported in a recent investigation. The route starts in the province of Condorcanqui in Peru and ends in the province of Zamora Chinchipe in Ecuador.

Peruvian nonprofit organization Peace and Hope identified 53 illegal mining sites along a 38-kilometer stretch of the Cenepa River in the Amazon region, near the border with Ecuador. According to Peruvian investigative news site Ojo Público, illegal minors have reached agreements with the locals in exchange for a percentage of the profits of works.

“In these Amazonian border areas, drug trafficking profits are often reinvested in illegal gold mining,” Bram Ebus, a consultant with the Belgium-based nongovernmental organization International Crisis Group, told Diálogo on March 30. “Gold is a supremely useful commodity for laundering drug trafficking assets, because illegally sourced gold is very easy to legalize within the illicit chain.”

Peruvian leaders of several remote indigenous communities in the Amazon bordering Ecuador say that illegal mining causes other illegal economies such as logging, human trafficking, and drug trafficking to take root on their lands, AP reported on March 19.

“Of the 10 criminal economies that exist in the country, it is by far the largest, as it affects fundamental rights, tax collection, and the environment,” former Peruvian Interior Minister Carlos Basombrío told Desde Adentro magazine, of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum, and Energy. “They are new mafias and criminal organizations, especially international ones, that enter some areas to compete for the control of this activity with the original illegal miners. These criminal organizations are linked to drug trafficking and settle in areas where there are violence problems.”

PER ECU Illegal Mining 2
The Wampís government, an indigenous autonomous government in Peru, carried out a peaceful mobilization on March 22, 2024, against illegal mining and logging that threatens their ancestral territory. (Photo: Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampís Nation/X)

“These are dynamics that we are observing in these parts, and we know that there is a low state presence from both Peru and Ecuador,” Ebus added. “That has also caused organized crime to be able to expand.”

In the border area of both countries, smuggling and illegal mining bosses operate “at ease” under the protection of corrupt police officers, Peruvian weekly Hildebrant en sus Trece reported.

“We always see a convergence between illegal and legal economies in these Amazonian border areas,” Ebus said. “So yes, we can say that one business feeds another business, but the two sectors have an environmental impact, illegal profits are doubled with reinvestment and environmental impacts are multiplied, when drug money is reinvested in illegal mining.

The Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampís Nation, a 1.3 million hectares area between the Loreto and Amazonas regions of Peru, has also denounced the advance of illegal miners in the Santiago River basin. An estimated 40 hectares of jungle have been damaged by this activity, Radio France International reported on March 22.

In March 2023, Ecuador and Peru’s Environment ministers met in the border area to discuss illegal mining, which is considered a threat to public safety. In response to this threat, the Ecuadorian and Peruvian armed forces began a series of special coordinated operations on the binational border.

According to Ecuadorian daily Primicias, the fight against illegal mining has been one of the focal points of the mirror operations carried out by the armed forces of both countries on the border, which also combat drug trafficking; arms, ammunition, and explosives trafficking; smuggling; irregular immigration, and other related crimes.

“The definitive and fundamental solution is to achieve full traceability of gold production. This will allow us to understand the dimension of the problem and how to tackle it, so that there is sustainable formalization over time,” Victor Gobitz, president of Peru’s National Society of Mining, Petroleum, and Energy, told El Comercio. “In informal mining, sticks of explosives are used. However, all large mining and part of medium mining uses explosives in bulk, not in sticks. So, it is not so difficult to attack the problem, because only five companies commercialize explosives for mining in Peru.”

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