
FāVS Religion News Roundup: April 5

Autor: FaVS News

By FāVS News Staff

In a groundbreaking initiative, the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington (CAIR-WA) has launched a comprehensive survey aimed at gathering crucial data on the demographics and discrimination experiences of Muslims living in the state. This survey represents the first of its kind in Washington and seeks to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the Muslim community’s needs and challenges.

The lack of reliable data on the Muslim population in Washington has long been a significant hurdle in advocating for their rights and addressing their concerns. With this survey, CAIR-WA hopes to bridge this gap by collecting anonymous responses that will serve as a tool for policymakers, media and other stakeholders to better understand and support the Muslim community. The organization urges all Washington Muslims to participate in this historic project and share the survey widely to ensure a representative sample. The survey can be taken online here.

Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices for Expo ’74 Celebrations

As Spokane gears up to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Expo ’74, the nonprofit Spokane Zero Waste (SZW) is encouraging vendors at Expo events to switch from single-use plastics to compostable products. Vendors who make the switch will receive a “low-impact waste vendor” sticker from SZW, recognizing their efforts to support the local environment. The nonprofit will also have zero-waste ambassadors at the opening ceremony and Bloomsday to assist the public in properly disposing of their waste.

SZW’s Elyse Hochstadt told FOX 28 about the importance of both proper waste disposal by the public and the transition to compostable food-ware products by vendors. She notes that the Expo ’74 celebrations present an opportunity to make positive changes in how the community relates to the environment. The nonprofit is seeking around 30 more volunteers to serve as zero-waste ambassadors at Expo events, working in groups of 2-3 alongside information booths to assist vendors and celebrants with waste disposal.

YWCA Spokane Receives $12 Million Grant

YWCA Spokane is among 10 YWCA associations in Washington receiving a $12.1 million grant from Ballmer Group over three years to support economic advancement and safety of local women and children. 

The funding will bolster YWCA’s array of programs and services for employment, safety, and health to meet immediate needs of vulnerable community members.It builds on the Ballmers’ legacy of support for YWCA, now jointly funding all state associations to invest in communities furthest from opportunity.

Mercy Me in Spokane This Weekend

Popular contemporary Christian band Mercy Me will be performing in Spokane on Saturday as part of their “Always Only Jesus Tour.” The band is perhaps best known for their 2001 hit “I Can Only Image.” They’ll be performing with the Newsboys, which now includes many former members of DC Talk. The concert will be at the Spokane Arena at 7 p.m.

FāVS News

FāVS News

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