
Missing Slack co-founder

Autor: HT News Desk

Apr 29, 2024 11:10 AM IST

San Francisco tech billionaire’s daughter Mint Butterfield found with an ‘adult friend’ who’s now in custody and facing kidnapping charges.

Mint Butterfield, 16-year-old daughter of Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield and Flikr co-founder Caterina Fake, who went missing from her home in Bolinas, California has been found.

Mint Butterfield, daughter of Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield and Flickr co-founder, Caterina Fake has been found
Mint Butterfield, daughter of Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield and Flickr co-founder, Caterina Fake has been found

The police found the teenager in San Francisco on Saturday night, accompanied by Christopher “Kio” Dizefalo, a 26-year-old man who identified himself as her “adult friend.” The man is now facing kidnapping charges and under arrest. He was booked at the Marin County Jail and held on $50,000 bail. Mint, who had previously been deemed “at-risk” due to past threats of suicide is now with her family.

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According to reports from the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, Mint and Dizefalo were found parked in a white van in the notorious Tenderloin District of San Francisco. The area is known for its high crime rate and is considered unsafe, especially for minors.

Fortunately, Mint was found unharmed, but the situation raised questions about her well-being and the nature of her relationship with Dizefalo.

Stewart Butterfield, Mint’s father and co-founder of Slack, along with Mint’s mother, Caterina Fake, expressed relief and gratitude upon hearing of their child’s safe return. In a statement to the media, they thanked law enforcement officers, volunteers, and members of the community who assisted in the search efforts.

The discovery of Mint in San Francisco raised questions about her whereabouts and the events leading up to their disappearance. She had allegedly left a note indicating her intention to run away, prompting concerns about her safety and well-being.

Authorities revealed that Mint had previously frequented the Tenderloin neighborhood, which is known for its high crime rate and prevalence of drug-related activities. Mint’s disappearance and subsequent discovery underscored the importance of community efforts in locating missing individuals and ensuring their safe return home.


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