
Ferrari cause a stir with test involving special innovation

Autor: Tygo Bekkema

For several years, the FIA has been working on mudguards for Formula 1 cars to reduce the amount of spray caused by rain. Photos recently surfaced of a Ferrari test with a very aggressive version of the mudguards.

The new protective agent covers almost the entire wheel. This drastically reduces the amount of spray coming off the tyres. Thus, water would only come off the diffuser.

Bad weather conditions have thrown a spanner in the works for Formula 1 quite often in recent history. With the introduction of splash screens, the motorsport umbrella aims to prevent races from literally and figuratively falling into the water. Photos that surfaced on Thursday show Arthur Leclerc and Oliver Bearman trying out the new invention at Fiorano.

Primeras fotos de los nuevos guardabarros que se están probando en Fiorano para disminuir spray en condiciones mojado. Se cubre prácticamente toda la rueda. Sigue habiendo el spray generado por el difusor, pero en la comparativa se nota mejora en la visibilidad

— Albert Fabrega (@AlbertFabrega) May 9, 2024

Previous tests with mudguards did not go entirely smoothly

Last year, McLaren and Mercedes already tested mudguards. But these tests did not always go entirely to plan, with a lot of technical stumbling blocks to overcome at the time.

After the wing test on Thursday, Ferrari will work through a filming day on Friday. Here, the Italian racing stable will also present the new aerodynamic package for the Imola Grand Prix.

This article was written in collaboration with Ben Stevens. 

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