
New Nonfiction Takes A Deep Dive Into America’s History And Religion To Discover How It Affects Individual’s Stories and Perceptions of Self

Autor: Palmetto Publishing

Newly Released From Palmetto Publishing: SO, WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?

So, What’s In It For Me?



Charleston, SC, May 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Michael R. Self, Ed.D., the author of the regarded nonfiction title  I Think, Therefore I Am . . . Probably Wrong is back with another thought-provoking, intricate novel. This time, he’s tackling America’s history and current political landscape—and its overall negative effect on individuals in the U.S.

So, What’s In It For Me? exposes the schizophrenic dichotomization of the American Story and its history; a history with its odds for success stacked against it from its very inception as one Nation,” said the author.

Building upon tenets from his previous book, Self reminds readers that we haven’t evolved genetically enough to be as smart as we currently need to think we are. As a solution for the wounds we’ve inflicted on ourselves, Self encourages readers to re-embrace a life of purpose, meaning, and personal integrity.

Culminating with a renewed focus on achieving individual authenticity and a call to live well, laugh often and love much, Self hopes to inspire a hope in others that chips away at America’s increased pessimism, sadness, and acknowledgments of personal loneliness.

So, What’s In It For Me? is available for purchase online at and Barnes and For more information about or questions for the author, he encourages you to reach out to him via his email:

About the Author:

Mike is the son of a first-generation immigrant mother from Russia and a U.S. military father. He holds advanced degrees from the University of Alabama and served in a postdoctoral fellowship at UCLA. His extensive career in public and higher education has included decades as a principal, program director, and writer. Mike is passionate about championing personal engagement and integrity. His books  challenge Americans to question the very narratives they’ve internalized about their country and the effects those narratives have on our ability to be happy and to achieve purpose!

Media Contact: Michael R. Self, Ed.D.,

Available for interviews: Author, Michael R. Self, Ed.D.


CONTACT: Leah Joseph Palmetto Publishing

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