
Tamra Judge on Why Rebecca Minkoff Shouldn’t Mix Religion With RHONY

Autor: Amy DeVore

Tamra Judge has always been pretty unabashed by her faith. To be fair, many of the Real Housewives have held religion closely to their very expensive chests. Coming up on Real Housewives of New York Season 15, we’ll get another example of this in Rebecca Minkoff. She’s allegedly joining this cast as a self-proclaimed Scientologist.

Even though Tamra’s taglines have included “My faith is strong…and my ass isn’t bad either,” “I’m pint-sized, baptized, and highly prized,” and also, “These days faith, family, and fitness are the only ‘F’s’ I give,” she’s still got a warning for New York City’s latest star. Basically, she’s suggesting that this newbie keeps her faith mum. You see, Tamra’s openness ended up biting her in her muscly ass. She doesn’t want this same outcome for Rebecca on RHONY.

Do what Tamra says, not what Tamra’s done

Over on her podcast, Two T’s In A Pod, Tamra had one query to answer. “How do you feel about Rebecca Minkoff joining the Real Housewives of New York?” the question asked. In response, Tamra explained that she “didn’t know she was a hardcore Scientologist.” At this, Teddi Mellencamp asked Tamra if religion should even be a storyline at all.

Teddi also reminded Tamra that her baptism went down over on Real Housewives of Orange County. Recalling her Season 10 rebirth, Tamra explained “Well I did. But shortly after that, I learned not to talk about it. Because once you say that you’re a Christian and that you’ve been baptized, everything you do is judged by the Christians.”

As for the responses that Tamra’s received, she says that the fans “want to knock you down. They want to point things out. I’m like, thou shall not judge, how about that?” Overall, what Tamra wishes that people would just grasp is that she knows that she isn’t perfect, but “regardless of what the things are that I’ve done wrong, I still have faith.”

The question now is, will Rebecca heed Tamra’s advice? And also, should she? Either way, it’s hard to say how her costars in New York will react to her ties with this controversial church.

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 15 will likely debut in late 2024 on Bravo.


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