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Niño cristiano apaleado en público · Puertas Abiertas

Era una tarde soleada del viernes 22 de marzo de 2024. Dudul es un adolescente bangladeshí que caminaba hacia unos campos de maíz para comprobar la cosecha de su familia.   De repente, una turba de jóvenes extremistas musulmanes lo agarró y lo arrastró hasta un dirigente político local. Estos radicales ataron al pequeño de


An ex-member of a religious sect has lifted the lid on ‘why certain people look Mormon,’ claiming it’s all a result of the community’s incredibly strict rules about marriage. Alyssa Grenfell, 31, grew up within the confines of an ultra-strict household but escaped the uptight lifestyle and began to focus on reclaiming her body when

Congress won

Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Monday assured the people that if the Congress is voted to power, citizenship will not be decided on the basis of caste, religion or language, but on the principle of the idea of India. He said the job of the grand old party is to protect the Constitution and

The Secret Religion of Our Elites Which Our Own Kids Are Joining: Gnosticism – The Stream

A 2023 Gallup poll found that the percentage of Americans who identify as spiritual rather than religious has increased. And among Democrats, more people now describe themselves as spiritual (41%) than as religious (37%). However, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), the most rapidly growing groups are atheists and agnostics

“Necesitamos recuperar la vitalidad cristiana de los primeros testigos de Jesús” – Archidiócesis de Granada

Fecha de publicación: 15 de abril de 2024 Homilía de Mons. Gil Tamayo en la Eucaristía en el III Domingo de Pascua, celebrada en la S.I Catedral el 14 de abril de 2024. Queridos hermanos sacerdotes concelebrantes; queridos seminaristas; queridos hermanos y hermanas: En este tercer Domingo de Pascua, la Palabra de Dios nos sigue

How can we address the decline in religion?

By Russ Ewell , Op-ed contributor Monday, April 15, 2024 Getty Images Mainstream and institutional religious practice is on the decline among Americans — at least statistically — and has been for some time now. But 83% of us think we have a soul or spirit in addition to a body. Nearly three-quarters of us

Tara Jayanti 2024: Date, Rituals and Significance of Tara Jayanti 2024 | – Times of India

Tara Jayanti 2024 : Tara Jayanti is a Hindu festival that celebrates the birth anniversary of the goddess Tara, who is a form of Shakti, the divine feminine energy. Goddess Tara is one of the ten Dasa Mahavidhyas. The 10 Mahavidyas are Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari (Shodashi), Bhuvaneshvari, Tripura Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and

Episcopal church in Carle Place reopens with worshippers forming circle for Saturday evening service

The worshippers sit in a circle facing each other instead of in rows of pews looking at the priest. There’s a 10-minute silent pause for contemplation. And when the service is over — on Saturday evening instead of Sunday morning — they share dinner together. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Carle Place closed two years

En busca del tiempo perdido

Las celebraciones de Semana Santa no son, precisamente, una manifestación testimonial de la fe que profesa la sociedad actual “Los tiempos cambian y nosotros cristianos debemos cambiar continuamente. Tenemos que cambiar firmes en la fe en Jesucristo, firmes en la verdad del Evangelio, pero nuestro obrar se debe mover continuamente según los signos de los

Sport and Religion – Reformed Journal

During basketball season, I attended a Rutgers University men’s basketball game. Perhaps now that Rutgers is a member of the Big 10 conference, bombastic openings are de rigueur. The reverberating bass, the flashing video, the indoor fireworks (for a game against bottom-dwelling Michigan, no less). As the spectacle reached its conclusion, the announcer summed up

Faith and Values: Religion Reporting Project helps students learn about different faiths, creates space for open minds and curiosity

“When will you see the truth?” That was the comment left on my Facebook post a day after I shared photos of a class field trip to Sravasti Abbey in Newport, Washington. My students and I were there as part of the Religion Reporting Project, a journalism program I started at WSU’s Murrow College in

La música cristiana estrena siempre nuevos exponentes

Santo Domingo.-La gran preocupación de muchos géneros en la actualidad es que no se vislumbran relevos en sus géneros musicales. Le hace falta al merengue, la bachata y hasta al pop. Pero una que parece estar curada de ese mal es la música cristiana creada y ejecutada como expresión del cristianismo y que cada día

Religion news 15 April 2024 – Religion Media Centre

Pope warns against fuelling a spiral of violence in the Middle East Pope Francis has called for a stop to any actions that may fuel the “spiral of violence” in the Middle East, risking a wider war in the region. Addressing the faithful in St Peter’s Square on Sunday, he said he was following with

Fostering Spirituality: Four Levels of Freedom of Religion or Belief

Governments can be classified in four groups according to their respect of religious liberty. To achieve the highest level, Taiwan needs to solve the Tai Ji Men case. by Hans Noot* *A paper presented at the conference “Remembering Shimu’s Fight: Conscience and the Tai Ji Men Case,” Pasadena, California, April 5, 2024. Tai Ji Men’s

No por esto, voy a dejar de creer en Dios

Para las religiones del mundo, cada ser humano tiene su Dios. Ese Dios se presenta en cada ser como su suprema autoridad de creencias. Figura abstracta que fue creada por el mismo hombre, para controlar a sus semejantes y, supuestamente, liberarlo de las maldades y felonías del mismo hombre, del mismo componente humano. Garantizarle un

Another View: Trump’s alignment with religion is a big mistake

Casual political observers may not be aware that Donald Trump has taken on a new strategy — infusing Christianity into his movement and presenting himself as a Christ-like figure. Images of Jesus Christ, hands resting on a beatific Trump, have been common at the former president’s rallies for months. The focus has now gone mainstream.

Asambleas de Dios: ¿cómo nació esta denominación pentecostal?

A pesar de ser un movimiento relativamente joven en la historia de la iglesia, el pentecostalismo fue quizá el catalizador más relevante en el gran siglo de oro de la evangelización global, el siglo XX. Las Asambleas de Dios fueron una de las denominaciones más visibles y representativas de los inicios de esa vertiente del

“Star Trek” is All the Religion I Need

Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror It’s a little late, but still seasonal. Happy First Contact Day! This Star Trek holiday, April 5, commemorates the fictional arrival of extraterrestrial aliens in 2063. I may have enjoyed a really lovely Easter brunch this year, amid Holi and Ramadan/Eid al-Fitr, and Passover barely more than a week away, but I’m

BJP’s Anil Baluni is banking on religion and development to win in Garhwal (Pauri), Uttarakhand’s largest constituency

BJP’s national media chief Anil Baluni. | Photo Credit: Sandeep Saxena The BJP’s national media chief Anil Baluni has taken on the challenge of winning in Garhwal (Pauri), Uttarakhand’s largest constituency. Spread over 1,000 sq. km. and home to important religious sites, including the Badrinath-Kedarnath temples, and Hemkund Sahib gurudwara, Mr. Baluni spoke to The

Religion news for April 13, 2024

Children’s clothing consignment sale today The Spring Children’s Consignment Sale at Epiphany Catholic School will be held 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today in the school gym, at 1211 Grandview Ave. in Culpeper. Half off select items will be offered 1-3 p.m. on Saturday; the sale will be closed 12:30-1 p.m. for set up. Sanctus

STEVENS COLUMN: Religion and politics

Christian Nationalism is a relatively new term in the political realm. In this country only a minority of Christians are being placed in this group. And the group is not even an organization. While most people think Christian Nationalists are basically in the field of theology, they are actually increasingly stepping out of the culture

‘Preacher’s Kid’ Bishop Leah Daughtry on why you should vote

Bishop Leah Daughtry knows the importance of voting as a member of the clergy and a former Capitol Hill staff member.  Photo courtesy of House of Lords Church Bishop Leah Daughtry  was born in Brooklyn, New York, into a family where church was their life, which is the definition of a preacher’s kid.  She began

Minter: Not essential, but important

Some Christians say, “If it’s not essential, then it’s not important.” But I want to argue that the non-essential stuff may still be quite important. In 21st-century America, most people live with running water and electricity in their homes. Neither of these accommodations is essential to life, home, or productivity. In fact, these common utilities

Religious Incentives and Life in Society – Econlib

Economics can help understand two conflicting aspects of religion: its potential usefulness in a free society and the incentives of some believers for extreme intolerance. The social usefulness of religion has been noticed by many thinkers, including Friedrich Hayek (see Chapter 9 of The Fatal Conceit ). Religion or at least some religions can provide

Religion calendar: April 13

Services Ardmore Baptist Church, 501 Miller St., Winston-Salem, will celebrate the third Sunday of Easter with services at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Pastor Tyler Tankersley will continue his sermon series on Resurrection People, from the book of Acts. This week’s sermon is “Resurrection People…Repent” from Acts 3:12-19. All Together Ardmore children’s groups and activities only

Opinion | What the Vatican’s latest transphobic dictate means for people like me

I was about 10 years old when my best friend and I had what my family now laughingly refers to as the “holy water fight.” It all stemmed from a dispute over a goal during a recess soccer game in our summer church youth program. The details of the incident that prompted the fight are

Singer Rihanna poses as a nun, receives backlash for her bold dress as netizens say

“Can’t do art without messing with other people’s religion? Is this how desperate celebs have become?,” said one user on Rihanna’s photoshoot Singer Rihanna has landed in trouble for her latest photo shoot that sees her dressed as a nun. Flaunting a bold and sensual dress, the post has received backlash from social media users.

¿Quién es Ebrahim Raisi, presidente de Irán? Ideología política, religión, edad, familia…

El gobierno de Irán adoptó la forma de “república islámica”, de acuerdo con la Constitución de 1979, por lo que en su estructura de poder hay un presidente, quien es el segundo funcionario de mayor rango después del Líder Supremo. Actualmente, Ebrahim Raisi ocupa la presidencia. Te compartimos algunos datos sobre él y cuáles son

¿Quién es Ali Jamenei, Líder Supremo de Irán? Ideología política, religión, edad, familia…

A pesar de que el gobierno de Irán adoptó la forma de “república islámica”, de acuerdo con la Constitución de 1979, el presidente es el segundo funcionario de mayor rango, ya que en la cima de la estructura de poder se encuentra el Líder Supremo. Actualmente, el ayatolá Seyyed Ali Jamenei ocupa este puesto. Te

Clientelismo, violencia y voto evangélico: las claves del triunfo del “A favor” en comunas pobres

Académicos y personeros del mundo político analizaron los resultados del voto “duro” en zonas como el extremo norte y comunas rurales del Biobío y La Araucanía, en todas los cuales existen varios factores en común, entre ellos, una escasa presencia del Estado. En lo que parece ser una constante en las elecciones nacionales, el plebiscito


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