
Minter: Not essential, but important

Autor: Longview News-Journal

Some Christians say, “If it’s not essential, then it’s not important.”

But I want to argue that the non-essential stuff may still be quite important.

In 21st-century America, most people live with running water and electricity in their homes. Neither of these accommodations is essential to life, home, or productivity. In fact, these common utilities are incredibly rare in the span of human history (especially electricity). And yet, millions of people before us have (and some still do in the world today) lived productive lives, raised children, built industry, and organized nations.

Though running water and electricity are non-essential to life, only a fool would claim that they are not important. Without them, life would be far different. It turns out that non-essential stuff can actually be quite important after all.

The same is true for Christianity. The doctrines and practices that are essential to Christianity are necessary for sinners to become saints, unbelievers to become believers. A non-Christian hears and understands the gospel, then he or she trusts in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and then he or she enters a life of ongoing repentance and belief (i.e., discipleship). The doctrines and practices that relate directly to the gospel and Christian conversion are essential to what I’ve just described here.

But a host of questions inevitably come next, and all of them are of secondary importance. Should this new believer be baptized? And if so, when, how, and by whom? Should this new believer join a church? And if so, what kind (Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, non-denominational)? And what about the way each church is organized? Aren’t Baptist and Presbyterian churches different in the way they function as an institution?

Historically, Christians have argued over doctrines like baptism and church governance, not because they were being unnecessarily persnickety, but because they believed that the Bible actually taught on the “who” and “what” of baptism as well as the proper allocation of authority among a local church.

Today, it seems that many Christians think that the way to success is to ignore these secondary questions. “Doctrine divides,” they say. So, the solution is to downplay doctrine – at least all of the doctrine we can jettison and still remain basically under the umbrella of Christianity.

But the questions I’ve listed above don’t just disappear. These and many like them will eventually arise. And sooner rather than later, someone will have to offer an answer (preferably a biblical one).

May the Lord help us to humbly and diligently know what we believe and why. And if you want to talk to someone who cares a lot about both the essentials and the non-essential-but-important stuff, then you can reach out to me.

— Marc is husband to Cassie and father to Micah and Malachi. He is also the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Diana, TX. Website: Email:

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