
Landmark San Francisco restaurant Tadich Grill turns 175

Autor: Loureen Ayyoub


By Loureen Ayyoub

/ CBS San Francisco

Landmark S.F. restaurant Tadich Grill celebrates 175 years in business

Landmark S.F. restaurant Tadich Grill celebrates 175 years in business 03:31

SAN FRANCISCO — Nestled in the heart of San Francisco’s financial district is Tadich Grill, an iconic establishment that has stood the test of time and is now celebrating an impressive 175 years in business.

Since the 1800s, Tadich Grill has been a beloved destination for diners in San Francisco, serving up Croatian-inspired cuisine and maintaining its status as a cherished institution under the ownership of the Buich family. Longtime manager Jose Maximillian, a fixture at the restaurant, attributes its enduring success to one word: service.

“It’s the way we treat our customers. The way we talk to them. We make them feel at home. We make them forget what’s going on in the office,” Maximillian said.

Tadich Grill caters to patrons looking for a respite during their lunch breaks or after a long day’s work. Renowned for its grilled fish over charcoal specialties, European soups and recipes from the Buich family’s homeland on the Dalmatian coast, the restaurant has become synonymous with quality and tradition.

“I’m proud to uphold their legacy. Before me, they took care of their customers. Then we came along and we took care of the second generation of customers, the third generation of customers. So that’s why all customers, they keep coming back,” Maximillian said.

Among those loyal patrons is Duncan. “I came here the first time when I was 12 years old. The food is great, the fish is fresh,” he said. 

Duncan’s affinity for the restaurant runs deep. He recounted the generosity he experienced as a young law student on a budget. 

“Every Friday at lunchtime there were a bunch of lawyers that ate here and they bought me lunch for 51 Fridays in a row,” he recalled.

Beyond the delectable meals, Maximillian emphasized the importance of courtesy which, he says, is extended to every guest, regardless of age or background.

“If you treat the customer with no respect, even if the food is outstanding, there’s something missing in there, OK? I get happy if I get a smile. If I don’t, I get grumpy,” Maximillian chuckled.

Amid the ever-changing business landscape of San Francisco, with many nearby restaurants being forced to close, Tadich Grill remains a beacon of tradition, service and culinary excellence, delighting generations of diners with timeless charm and dedication to hospitality.

“I’ll tell ya, if you don’t have fun with customers, you don’t belong to this business,” Maximillian said.

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