
Noisy, Gaudy and Spiritual: Young Pilgrims Embrace an Ancient Goddess

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Asia Pacific|Noisy, Gaudy and Spiritual: Young Pilgrims Embrace an Ancient Goddess

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In a din of firecrackers, cymbals and horns, a team of devotees carried the shrouded wooden statue of a serene-faced woman, holding her aloft on a brightly decorated litter as they navigated through tens of thousands of onlookers.

As the carriers nudged forward, hundreds of people were lined up ahead of them, kneeling on the road and waiting for the moment when the statue would pass over their heads.

Some wept after it did; many smiled and snapped selfies. “I love Mazu, and Mazu loves me,” the crowd shouted.

Mazu, sometimes known as the Goddess of the Sea, is the most widely venerated of dozens of folk deities that many people in Taiwan turn to for solace, guidance and good fortune. The huge annual processions to honor her are noisy and gaudy. And yet for many, they are also deeply spiritual events, acts of faith showing that Mazu and other spirits remain vibrant presences here, alongside Buddhism and Christianity.


Worshipers praying and offering lighted incense sticks.
Followers of Mazu bowed and lit incense before a statue of Mazu at a temple.


Carrying Mazu through a crowd of people. In recent years, many young Taiwanese have been participating in pilgrimages.

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