
Chaitra Amavasya 2024 Do's and Don'ts to follow on Somvati Amavasya – Times of India

Autor: Mahima Sharma

Chaitra Amavasya 2024: Amavasya or New Moon day is one of the most sacred day in Hindu religion. but its is not considered auspicious for performing activities like marriages, engagements, mundan and griha pravesh. This month, Amavasya is falling on Somvar that’s why it is known as

Somvati Amavasya

and it will be observed during Chaitra month so that’s why it is called as Chaitra Amavasya.

It is to be noted that on this Amavasya,

Solar Eclipse

will also take place on Somvati Amavasya i.e., on April 8, 2024.
On this day, people are advised to follow some do’s and don’ts and here we have mentioned some of them so that people can follow these guidelines to make their Amavasya beneficial:
Pitru Tarpana

Chaitra Amavasya

is regarded as an auspicious day for an individual to show respect and remembrance to their ancestors. Offer food, water, and prayers to your deceased ancestors during Pitru Tarpana rites in order to ask for their blessings and release.
Observe fast
As a kind of spiritual discipline and cleansing, many individuals maintain a fast on Chaitra Amavasya. Depending on customs and personal preferences, fasting may include consuming only basic meals or forgoing specific items entirely.

Donation and Charity
On Chaitra Amavasya, engage in deeds of kindness and compassion by giving food, clothing, or cash to those in need. On this auspicious day, generosity and selflessness are regarded as praiseworthy.
Spiritual Activities
Take part in spiritual activities including reading holy books, reciting mantras, meditating, or going to satsangs (spiritual meetings). Make the most of this time for meditation, introspection, and spiritual connection.
Keep your mind calm
Preserve your physical and mental purity by keeping your environment tidy and steering clear of unpleasant ideas and feelings. Make your house and places of worship holy by lighting candles, lamps, or incense.
Avoid Non-Vegetarian Food
On Chaitra Amavasya, avoid eating non-vegetarian food as it is unlucky and unclean on this holy day. Instead, choose meals that are sattvic (pure) vegetarian.
Avoid Negative Activities
Refrain from gossiping, arguing, or indulging in vices like alcohol or tobacco. These are examples of negative or harmful activities. Concentrate on developing constructive words, thoughts, and deeds.
Do not Cut your Hair or Nails
It is advisable to avoid cutting hair or nails on Chaitra Amavasya, as it is believed to bring negative energy and disrupt the auspiciousness of the day. Wait until the following day to perform grooming activities. Postpone grooming tasks until the next day.
Do not sleep during Solar Eclipse
On Chaitra Amavasya, as we all know that Solar Eclipse is going to take place so it is unlucky to lie down or sleep during the day. Continue to be busy with mantra chanting, and other spiritual practices.
Avoid Purchasing new things
As Amavasya day is not considered good for new things so one must avoid purchasing new clothes, new shoes and new vehicle and any new thing on this day.
Avoid auspicious activities
People should avoid to perform any auspicious activity on the day of Amavasya. Performing Griha Pravesh, Mundan, Roka ceremony and starting new business venture should be avoided.

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