
Religion news, April 13, 2024

Autor: Kokomo Tribune

Second Missionary Baptist Church

All are invited to join Second Missionary Baptist Church, 818 N. Apperson Way, each Sunday at 11 a.m. for worship, with Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. There is also an early morning worship at 8 a.m. on the first Sunday of every month.

Every Tuesday at the church, there is a 6 p.m. night teaching.

Every Wednesday at the church is J.A.M.S. Youth Night.

For more information, visit or call 765-452-8214. Transportation is available and may be arranged by phone.

New Beginnings Christian Fellowship

“Living on This Side of Easter” will be the theme at 10 a.m. Sunday at the church, 1900 S. Berkley Road. The message will be “From Frailty and Failure to Faithful Living,” and is based on Luke 24:36-49.

There will also be online worship at New Beginnings Christian Fellowship Facebook page.

For more information or to request prayer, contact Pastor Jeff Russell at 765-776-0868.

Christ Lutheran Church

Christ Lutheran Church’s concert series “Music at Christ” has returned.

Along with five concerts, “Music at Christ” also features three Advent Recitals and five Lenten Recitals, the flyer noted.

The schedule is as follows:

4 p.m. May 19: Deux Voix (Stephen Distad, organ; Justin Langham, trumpet)

All concerts will take place inside the church, located at 3401 S. Dixon Road.

For more information on the 2023-24 concert series, contact the church at 765-453-6183 or visit

Saint Andrew Episcopal Church

If you are considering a return to church, St. Andrew Episcopal Church, 602 W. Superior St., invites you to join them every Sunday. Holy Eucharist services begin at 8 and 10 a.m. They also invite everyone to stop into their parish book co-op, Spirit of Life Books & Gathering Place, 510 W. Superior St. (SOL House), to enjoy a cup of coffee and a book.

Peace Lutheran Church

Jesus Cares Ministry will be held the second Thursday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. at the church, located at 750 E. Markland Ave., Kokomo.

This is a program for individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. Each gathering will include a devotional service by Pastor Mark Rosenberg with singing and musical instruments; activities such as crafts, games, painting and more; and refreshments.

For more information, call 765-457-8888.

ONE Church

The church, 2734 S. Washington St., Kokomo, has services every Sunday at 10:15 a.m.

Fountain of Life Word and Worship Center

At 10:30 a.m. Sunday at the church, located at 611 E. Jackson St. in Kokomo, the speaker will be Bishop C. E. Glenn, speaking from the subject, “Your Authority.” Everyone is welcome to attend.

First Friends Meeting

The church, located at 1801 Zartman Road, Kokomo, invites you to join them on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. for worship. This week’s sermon by the Rev. Michael Carson will be “Effectively Handling Inflection Points in Life.” The text will be Psalm 91:1.

Fairfield Christian Church

The church, 1476 E. 400 South, Kokomo, will be having its annual yard sale, rain or shine, on April 26, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please, no early birds. Items on offer include clothing, coats, toys, books, electronics, tools, furniture, household items, baked goods and more.

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