
Ganga Saptami 2024: When is Ganga Saptami? Know Date, Rituals and Significance – Times of India

Autor: Mahima Sharma

Ganga Saptami 2024: Ganga Saptami

is one of the major festivals of Hindus. As the name suggests, Ganga Saptami, the festival is dedicated to worship

Goddess Ganga

. Ganga Saptami festival falls on

Saptami Tithi

of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakha. This year, it will be celebrated on May 14, 2024.
Ganga Saptami 2024: Date and Time
Saptami Tithi Begins – May 14, 2024 – 02:50 AM
Saptami Tithi Ends – May 15, 2024 – 04:19 AM

Ganga Saptami Madhyahna Muhurat – 10:25 AM to 01:02 PM
Ganga Saptami 2024: Significance
Ganga Saptamis is one of the auspicious festivals of Hindus.

The day is observed to honour the Goddess Ganga. This day is celebrated across the country with great happiness and enthusiasm and people visit various places where they can take bath in Ganga river. Goddess Ganga is one of the sacred river in the country. This day is also celebrated as

Jahnu Saptami

. Devotees also perform puja on this auspicious day to seek blessings of Maa Ganga. It is believed that on this sacred day, Maa Ganga have come down on earth.
Special Puja are organised on the Ghats of Haridwar, Rishikesh,, Triveni Sangam in Allahabad and many other places. They offer prayers to Goddess Ganga by performing aarti in the evening and lighting up the Ghats with multiple diyas.
Maa Ganga is the most revered river in India. Ganga is considered as the most pious and holiest river in which people take bath and get relieved from their negative energies and all the sins which they might have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Ganga Saptami 2024: Rituals
1. Wake up early in the morning at the time of Brahma Muhurat and take a holy bath in Ganga river.
2. Light a diya and leave it in Ganga river, offer garland, and sweets.
3. Offer Arghya to Lord Surya while standing in Ganga river.
4. In the evening, special aarti is performed.
5. Devotees light a diya in the evening also and leave it in Ganga river (this ritual is known as Deep Daan).
6. One must donate food, water, clothes to needy and poor people.
7. One must chant Panchakshari Mantra and Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra while sitting near Ganga Ghat.
1. Om Namah Shivaye..!!
2. Om Trayambhaka Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukmiv Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat..!!
Ganga Saptami 2024: FAQs

  1. When is Ganga Saptami 2024?
    Ganga Saptami is going to be celebrated on Saptami Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Vaishakha i.e., on May 14, 2024.
  2. How Ganga Saptami is celebrated?
    Ganga Saptami is celebrated to honour the Goddess Ganga. On this auspicious day, devotees take holy dip in Ganga river and offer prayers to Ganga Maiya.

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